Social care in a time of change

client, Employer advice

During the second quarter of 2020 the critical role the care sector plays in the wider health and social care landscape has become apparent to all. Today it sits – quite rightly – alongside the health sector as an integral part in society.

Yet the sector faces significant pressures: vacancies are running at 8% (or around 122,000) a year; one in four care workers may be looking to leave once the pandemic is over; an ageing population will increase demand for services; and the immigration system will soon turn off the tap for new non-UK nationals to join the workforce. This is all on top of the increasing demands that COVID-19 is placing on the sector.

The recent announcement of a campaign to attract 20,000 new care workers over the coming months is welcomed. But this is not a long-term solution.

In the short-term, we have launched the Brook Street Social Care Rapid Response Unit – a compliant, experienced, job-ready talent pool of key workers. The unit follows the government’s approved recruitment processes so that clients can be assured of excellence through our approach. With all recruitment processes delivered remotely we ensure the safety of our social care staff, care customers, clients and consultants from interviews through to assessments and compliance checks.

In the long-term, we’re engaging with others in the sector to work towards a sustainable solution to address the talent issues. We need to identify new ways of working and attracting new talent to the sector. Government, employers, unions and care workers need to work together and we are pleased to be playing our part.

Contact us now to find out how we can help your business.
