The labour market is looking strong, with practically the highest employment rate since comparable records began in 1971. Is Brexit going to change that? And how will it impact the social care industry?
This quarter we’re talking about Brexit and your organisation. How it will effect your organisation, and a special focus on your recruitment strategy for when we finally leave the EU.
Our latest Focus magazine also covers:
- Digital innovation - In a world where digital is constantly evolving our leaders need to do the same. Traditional leadership skills still apply, but do those skills need to digitally evolve to be more effective?
- Attracting the best - attracting and retaining skilled workers remains a key factor in the current labour market.When it comes to recruiting skilled talent what do you need to do to stand out from the crowd?
- Social care faces a dramatic shortfall of staff. With an aging population and a predicted shortfall of 1.1m social care workers by 2037, does more need to be done to encourage people to start a career in social care?